About me

Welcome to my blog!
Here at anikarynn.blogspot.com, I write about mental health, healthy lifestyle, and share my favorite recipes. My goal is to inspire and motivate you, whether your journey is to self-love, body positivity, recovery, or enjoying life more. This blog is dedicated to helping anxious people overcome their struggles, step out of their comfort zone, learn more about themselves, and life a happier fuller life.

I started reading a lot about psychology and personal relationships back in the days when I felt a lot of confusion and didn't know what to do in certain situations. To be honest, I get the same feeling sometimes still to this day. The only difference is that now I have the knowledge and I am not afraid to learn more about myself and others. A lot of things I thought would work didn't, and vise versa, and that's what I will teach you about too. I am on a journey to self-love and I want you to be a part of it, because it's not that scary when you're together with someone.

So what we're gonna do is get out of dark places together. Let's say, I get your back when you forget to pay the electricity bill. I hope you enjoy the read and share your thoughts in the comments.

On my Instagram at www.instagram.com/anikarynn/ I share more personal stuff and shorter reads. See you there too.
